Saturday, February 28, 2009

My grandparents house

My grandparents house was torn down over a two day period last week. When I passed by their house last Saturday, part of the sides were gone and a lot of the insides where gutted out. It felt like my grandparents had just passed away again. It was so heartbreaking I just cried. I just wanted to fix it. The next day, I passed by again and it was just gone. I know that a house is not the "home" or the memories that you had. And really since my grandparents were gone, seeing the house, was not the same as when they were alive. It was still a big part of my past and was hard to see torn down. I think I would have been better off to have just passed by and it be completely gone than to have seen it partially gone. It makes me wish they were still here. I miss them.

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