Saturday, February 7, 2009

First Tests

Taking first tests are so frustrating! You go into taking a test with an idea of what is going to be on it because you were taught all the material weeks prior to the test. It seems though, once you see the test your mind draws a blank and all the material looks like a foreign language. Well, that has happened to me today. I took a math test and thought, "Have I even seen these problems before?" Of course I had, but it seemed like I hadn't. Now I have to wait to see the damage I've done and figure out what I need on the next tests to keep the grade I want. I would like to reprogram my thoughts so that I do not continue to have these problems. Don't get me wrong, a majority of the time the grades do not turn out too bad. I would just like a great start and be able to keep it all semester.

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