Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Farm Life

My grandparents owned a farm and lived a mile away from me so my brother and I were there A LOT. Either my mom would take us or we would walk or ride our bikes. Everything there to me was fun. We would plant gardens, milk cows, retrieve eggs, anything that you would think happened on a farm we were a part of. I loved it. Now as an adult my boyfriend has a farm. He does not have a many different animals as my grandmother did but he has a lot in quantity. (I hope to add some different ones this year) He also works for an electric cooperative and so he has been out of town for a week now helping to get power restored to those in southeastern Missouri. Since he has been gone I have taken over the "farm" chores along with working and going to school. In this small amount of time I have gained even more admiration for those who farm because it is a bear. I have to get up earlier, I don't get in the house until late, its cold, I don't get into bed until late, which means dinner is late, homework is late, it is just so much. I'm guessing when I was a kid and it was fun, it was because I was a kid and what else did you have to do. Don't get me wrong I still love the farm life. Even thought its a lot of work it feels simpler. Maybe because that is how it felt to me as a child and that feeling gives me comfort.

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