Friday, January 23, 2009


I put off getting a coupon for the converter box for my television until a couple of weeks ago. When I finally requested them I saw on the news that they were not sending out any more coupons. I was left to wonder what I would do at that point. My true self tells me that I don't want to have tv's. I truly feel that they are time wasters, when you can do so much more with that time. You can visit friends, read, do creative projects or spend more time with those you love. I would follow this thought process of no tv except that I have a college student that when he comes home would absolutely not know what to do with himself without a tv. That leads me back to square one. I do not want to get cable or dish because I just would not have the time to watch it and since I do not watch tv much now it would be a waste of money. Then I thought maybe I will just buy a new tv, but once again if I do not watch it much do I want to spend the money. I have pondered these thoughts for the past week and lo and behold today I received my coupons. So, maybe I will keep the know, just in case.

1 comment:

  1. I am in the same predictament! How funny...or sad, whichever way you look at it!
