Sunday, April 26, 2009


It is so nice outside today. The wind is a little strong but the sunshine is great. This is absolutely by favorite weather. You cannot help but feel good when the sun is shinning on you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I have ordered these workout videos called the P90X and I am excited to start using them. My boyfriend and his son got me introduced to them. They have been using them for four weeks now and I have noticed changes in there bodies. As I get older my body seems to be getting soft and I do not like that at all. I definately am in need of a change. I truly believe if I can stick to this I will be on an upward climb out of the softness. I can only hope.


I am so excited. I am getting my kitchen and bathroom remodeled. I currently have half of my kitchen completed and my entire bathroom gutted. Unfortunately, I do not have water so I have been having to shower, etc. at other peoples homes. It makes me feel a little bit like a transient. I hope to have it all completed in the next week or so.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Teeth cont.

I had the root canal and I feel ten times better. It is still sore but at least the throbbing pain is gone. I had to go to a specialist instead of my normal dentist because he did not do root canals. The Dr. did a fabulous job. Nothing hurt except for the shot in the roof of my mouth. The office itself was pretty fancy. In every "operating room" there were televisions in the ceiling that you could watch when reclined back. I'm not really sure how you are suppose to watch when the nurse and Dr's. heads were in your face, but it was a nice touch. I would say over all, the whole experience was pretty pleasant. Nothing I want to do again too soon, but still pleasant

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Tooth pain is absolutely the worst! I had a crown put on a back tooth last year. It seemed to be doing fine except that sometimes I had a little cold sensitivity, until last Sunday, then it all went crazy. I started having throbbing pain shoot through what felt like was my whole jaw. I thought at first I may have had something stuck between my teeth and it was irritated, but then it continued for a few days. On Tuesday I called my dentist so that he could look at it, and he told me that I had an abscess under the crown. YUCK! Now I have to have a root canal tomorrow. I so wish it were something easier. Oh well, at least the pain will be over.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have been going through books looking for chickens to raise. I know which ones I want for laying hens, but I also wanted a couple that I could hold and they not freak out. After much searching I have finally found the breed I want, silkies. They are originally from China, with very fluffy feathers on their feet, and with what looks like a feathered hat on their heads. My favorite part about them is that you can hold them. They are very people friendly. I don't know the reason I truly desire to carry a chicken, I just do. I also want to hold a penguin, but that is another story.