Sunday, March 15, 2009


I signed up for facebook a few months ago because I wanted to see a friend's kids. After that it just sat there. Well, a couple of days ago another friend asked my to let her on so I thought maybe I should go ahead an update things and try to be a active party. Today I went on and updated it a little. I am confused about what all a person can do on it. Do you write things? Do you email from it? How do you put on pictures? I understand the concept but I am a little computer illiterate. I know how to get into things I use for work, school and personal beyond that, not so much. I am excited about it. Hopefully over time I will learn to do more things on it.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I do not like shopping. Let me rephrase that, I do not like shopping for clothes. I never can find the cute things that I see on everyone else. Even when I do find something that I like, at least on the hanger, it never looks good or right once I get it on. I really wish I had more of a sense of style so I can just easily see and know what works the best. It may would help if I went shopping more and tried on things more to see what works, but that is where the hate of shopping comes in. Maybe one day my thoughts will change. Who knows.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Last week I bid on an item on eBay and last night I found out that I won. This is great. I have never won any item that I have ever bid on because I didn't ever want to go as high as it sold for. I was lucky though the bid never went any higher than my initial bid. We'll see what happens next time.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Oops, it is Friday and I have been so caught up in everything going on this week that I forgot to blog, until now. Tonight I am studying for mid-terms so I cannot blog any more than I have. Until next time...